Legal Separation and Divorce

In North Carolina, legal separation begins on the date that a husband and wife move into separate residences with the intent to continue living apart from one another. The official date of the divorce begins on the final date of the divorce decree.

Health-Related Benefits

Coverage changes are done through the State Health Plan/NCFlex online enrollment system with qualifying life events.  Legal separation and divorce are considered qualifying life events.  If this is a divorce, the spouse must come off all coverage as the person is no longer eligible for coverage.  If a legal separation, it is optional to remove the spouse.  You may also need to enroll in coverage, which you can do with this life event.

Coverage changes are effective the first day of the month following the date of the life event.  Eligible employees can access the online enrollment system by going go to the MyPack Portal and logging in.  Once logged in, click on FOR FACULTY & STAFF at the top bar.  Click on Launch Employee Self Service.  Click on the Benefits tile, then clcik on Enroll in Benefits on the left side of the page.  If you have a pop-up blocker, you will need to disable that.  Accept the campus ID notice if prompted and you will be logged in to the online enrollment system.  Click on the eBenefits Now section to the right of the page.  Once in the enrollment system, you may see a Life Event message to get started and then select either Divorce or Legal Separation to begin the process.

Court-Ordered Dependent Coverage

If a court order requires providing dependent children with health related benefits, a copy of the court order must be provided as supporting documentation.

Coverage changes are done through the State Health Plan/NCFlex online enrollment system with qualifying life events.  Such events are defined as birth, death, divorce, now eligible for other coverage, loss of other coverage, adoption, etc.  Coverage changes are effective the first day of the month following the date of the life event.  Eligible employees can access this online system by going go to the MyPack Portal and logging in.  Once logged in, click on FOR FACULTY & STAFF at the top in the black bar.  In the center of the page, you will see Employee Self Service.  Click on “Enroll in Benefits”, accept the campus ID notice and you will be logged in to the online enrollment system.  This will put you into the online enrollment system.  Next, select Life Events in the blue bar and then select Qualified Medical Child Support Order to begin.

Contact your Benefits Consultant for assistance.

Beneficiary Changes

Keeping beneficiary information current and on file brings peace of mind to yourself and loved ones. Legal separation and divorce may prompt the need for timely beneficiary updates to life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment and retirement plans.

To change beneficiaries for the following plans, following the associated web links:
TSERS (State Retirement System-ORBIT) –

MetLife Life Insurance –

NCFlex Group Term Life – MyPack Portal: Faculty & Staff/Employee Self Service/Enroll in Benefits

Fidelity Optional Retirement Plan –

TIAA-CREF Optional Retirement Plan –

Fidelity 403b –

TIAA-CREF 403b –

Prudential 401k/457 –


Legal separation and divorce can lead to the need for updating both federal and state tax withholding exemptions. Visit the University Payroll web site to obtain withholding forms, and to estimate your tax liability.

Legal Matters

If you currently participate in the Hyatt Legal Plan, services such as family law, real estate matters, wills and estate planning may be available to you at a reduced cost.

Visit the Hyatt Legal Plan web site and use password 2660010 to find out what help is available.