Community Service, Literacy & Tutoring/Mentoring Leave

Community Service Leave (CSL)

CSL provides leave-eligible SHRA & EHRA employees paid time off to volunteer in NC schools, communities, institutions of higher education, NC State agencies, and not-for-profit organizations; as long as the employee is not receiving pay for the service. All CSL must be preapproved by supervisor prior to volunteer event.

Literacy CSL

Literacy CSL is a special provision available in lieu of regular Community Service Leave to support a literacy program in a NC public school. Leave under this option shall be used exclusively for assisting students in reading and/or writing skills in accordance with established rules and guidelines for such arrangements as determined and documented by joint agreement with NCSU and the public school.  Advisory Note: For employees who live in a state adjacent to North Carolina, the agency may grant community service leave to parents for involvement in the child’s school

Tutoring/Mentoring CSL

Tutoring/Mentoring CSL is a special provision available in lieu of regular Community Service Leave and Literacy CSL to provide tutoring and mentoring for a student in a formal standardized approved tutoring/mentoring program in a public or a non-public school. Leave under this option is to be used exclusively for tutoring and/or mentoring an “at-risk” student in accordance with established rules and guidelines for such arrangements as determined and documented by joint agreement with NCSU and the public/non-public school.

Who’s Eligible?

With approval of the supervisor, an employee is eligible for the following types of CSL:

Type of Appointment

Community Service Leave

Literacy CSL

Tutoring/Mentoring CSL

Full-time: permanent, probationary, trainee, or time-limited. 24 hours a calendar year Up to 5 hours a month not to exceed 45 hours a calendar year 1 hour a week, not to exceed 36 hours a calendar year
Part-time (half time or more): permanent, probationary, trainee, or time-limited Prorated – equal to percentage of full-time amount. Prorated – equal to percentage of full-time amount. Prorated – equal to percentage of full-time amount.
Post Docs, CHO’s, Temporary, intermittent, or part-time (less than half-time) None None None


  • All types of CSL is credited to each eligible employee on January 1 of each year.
  • If an employee chooses to change options from one type of CSL to another, the maximum hours that may be granted is the maximum allowed under the new option chosen minus the amount already used under the original program.
  • For the calendar year of employee transfer – the employee should secure approval from the new supervisor to continue the CSL option prior to the transfer.
  • All types of CSL does not carry over from one year to the next
  • All types of CSL is not paid out upon separation
  • Newly hired employees shall be credited with leave immediately upon their employment, prorated at two hours per month for the remainder of the calendar year. Separated employees that are re-employed within the same calendar year are credited Community Service Leave the same as newly hired employees; however, the combination of re-employment credit hours and total hours used prior to separation in the same calendar year cannot exceed the annual 24 hour maximum leave benefit.

How Do I Apply?

Employees should:

  • Submit a request for community service leave to their Supervisor. If the CSL is for Literacy CSL or Tutoring/Mentoring CSL then program documentation should be provided to the supervisor as well.
  • Enter and track all leave in the WolfTime Leave and Timekeeping system under the correct CSL field.

Supervisors review the requests for community service leave and approve or disapprove the request.

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