
Social Well being is the ability to develop supportive networks through nourishing new or existing relationships.

Social and community well being is about having positive interactions with and enjoying being with others. A strong social network and a sense of community can create a good mood and enhance self-esteem.


Social Wellness Resources

FASAP Guidance Resources Online

Provides expert information on relationships, emotional and social well being. Go online:, Your NC State Web ID: FASAP

  • 9 Tips for Creating Connections: Strong, healthy relationships are important throughout your life. It’s important to know what a healthy relationship looks like and how to keep your connections.
  • Fostering Friendships: People seem to have a natural need for friends and with good reason. Friends increase your enjoyment of life, relieve feelings of loneliness, and even help reduce stress.
  • How to start a Conversation: For those who are shy or introverted, introducing oneself or getting to know someone better may be difficult. Find out how starting conversations with new people is crucial in order to develop a strong relationship.

Staff and Faculty Appreciation Events

These events celebrate the hard work and dedication of NC State’s staff and faculty members and also provides an opportunity to connect and engage with the campus community. Visit for more information.

Staff Senate

is an advisory body to the University Chancellor. Staff senate promotes participation in the university community and offers many outlets to network with fellow staff members.

Faculty Senate

provides advice to the Chancellor and through the Chancellor to the Board of Trustees. Faculty Senate acts as facilitators of faculty participation in the governance of the University.

Staff/Faculty 5:01 Club

This program’s goal is to provide faculty and staff with an opportunity to socialize, connect, and network with fellow co-workers. To this end, Live It Up! Hillsborough St. has teamed up with the 5:01 club to help plan and coordinate events that feature local venues near campus. The 5:01 Club is a great opportunity to strengthen connections among co-workers, as well as develop new relationships with incoming staff members.

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